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We plant trees to offset all our Co2 emissions from 2019

People, Planet & Profit. The three P’s, also knowns as the Triple Bottom Line. That’s our mantra and we repeat it every single day. Finding balance between these three parts is hard, but they guide us and give us incredible learnings.


As we said two years ago, “We strongly believe that our business is not only about making money. We want to find a healthy balance between giving and taking. We are hoping to do the right thing for everyone and everything interconnected to our project”. In other words, we can’t imagine our project without being connected to our environment.


Last January, the Council of Barcelona presented a climate emergency declaration, as well as other 822 cities, councils and town halls worldwide, shouting out loud that this is not a drill. As James Ellsmoor wrote for Forbes: “As some nations drag their feet on enacting environmental policies or are slowed down by politics, some cities worldwide are taking matters in their own hands”.  


Image: Ada Colau – Climate emergency declaration (Ajuntament de Barcelona)


In 2018, tourism’s global carbon footprint increased four times more than previously estimated, accounting for about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to this Nature’s article. But, what can we do better? The means of transport make the difference: everyday activities inside and outside airports have a result of 7.607.832 tons of gases. Come to Barcelona by train, instead of the airplane or the cruise… it’s a step forward. Once in the city, consider walking, taking public transport or renting a hybrid or an electric car, which also has less impact. In addition to some keys we gave some time ago on our blog, there is another one with equal priority: choose hotels committed to offsetting their yearly Co2 emissions.


Image: Jack Anstey

At yök Casa + Cultura, we calculate our Co2 emissions every year and then we plant trees to offset what we couldn’t avoid emitting. In 2019, we’ve emitted 2.179,45kg to the Atmosphere, being 27,12% more efficient than 2018. As a result, 8 new stone pines will be planted in the Parc Natural de Montgrí (Torroella de Montgrí), a diverse natural park in the heart of the Costa Brava with a high ecological value.


Image: Trees to offset all our Co2 emissions in 2018


This tree-planting project is driven hand-in-hand with the local Bosques Sostenibles. They protect this dense forest as a way to preserve the environment and to fight against climate change. All stone pines will replace old specimens; an essential process to maintain this natural space. 

We are serious about sustainability; we use 100% renewable energy, dress our casas with second-hand objects, keeping a zero-waste policy, shopping locally and offering free filtered tap water to our guests, among other measures. Come over and have a great time in our lovely Barcelona, while actually helping our environment. Everybody wins.


Image: Montgrí Massif (Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí)


We encourage you to visit the Montgrí Massif, only a couple of hours north from Barcelona, to immerse yourself in the Mediterranean countryside and say hi to our trees.